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New Traveler 9 Console Commands

There’s a couple of new commands available when you issue a “tell traveler” from the Domino console in Traveler 9, that I haven’t seen documented elsewhere, namely:

tell traveler cleanup and tell traveler netaddr

 “tell traveler cleanup” is designed to force the removal of users that haven’t connected since the allocated cleanup period, [based on what is in the Server Document for the Traveler server, “IBM Traveler” Tab,  “User Cleanup Timeout” field (default is 30 days)].  Note that this should happen automatically with the server in the background.

From running “tell traveler cleanup help” we can see the usage information as follows:

Usage: tell traveler Cleanup <option>

Where <option> includes:

  •   Users – Remove all devices where the last sync time is older than the user cleanup timeout.
  •   Bind – Clean up BIND table entries for unknown server

Running the command without a switch runs both Users and Bind command.

“tell traveler netaddr” tells you which network interfaces are available to Traveler and also. as importantly, which network interface it is  actually using.  I’d imagine this would be a great resource during a migration to new hardware/OS.

From running “tell traveler netaddr” we see the usage information as follows:

(ip address being used is pixelated obviously!)

Let us know if you’ve found this useful or if you’d like any advice on a Traveler 9 deployment!

Cormac McCarthy – Domino People Ltd

5 thoughts on “New Traveler 9 Console Commands

  • the day the folks @ IBM decide to provide “Cheat sheets” for this kinds of thngs i’ll be happy. Spent the entire afternoon reuniting all those commands i might need for my new traveler 9 HA cluster. a few here a few there .. Thanks !

    • Hi,

      The Traveler server will perform a Domino Directory (previously Name and Address book) lookup for each user configured with the Traveler service. This will be performed normally via Directory Assistance on the Domino Directory on your primary production Domino Domain where your mail servers reside. (I hope your Traveler server is in a different Domino domain!!!)

      So, you can either check the Mail Server field within the person document for a particular user. An alternative is from the Traveler server console, issue tell traveler user “user name”. The resulting output will show you which devices the user has and which servers are being used by the Traveler server.

      Please also bear in mind that if you have clustered mail servers and one or more of the servers are unavailable, the Traveler server will failover to an available mail server with a mail file replica available.

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