
Our News/Articles/Opinions/Technotes from the world of IBM Collaboration

The Truth about Migrating from Domino to Microsoft (Mail Edition)

In this article we describe our real life experience of migrating from Notes/Domino to Microsoft Exchange and Exchange online. To be clear we have a vested interest here. We don’t want any of our customers to migrate from HCL Domino to any other platforms. However we also do acknowledge that we have got business from… Read the full article

Traveler capacity planning and NOTES.INI settings.

IBM have recently published a series of new articles on the Domino Wiki site.  Two articles that really caught my eye were on:- Capacity Planning on Traveler – haven’t seen as detailed and specific guide as this before and Traveler notes.ini settings – it’s great that Traveler customisations are now published and this is a brilliant reference to bookmark.… Read the full article