HCL Domino 12 has been out since July and I’ve written multiple times on the new features, in particular the security features It’s the first Domino dot zero release we’ve ever advised multiple customers to upgrade to at time of release and there are many reasons for this mainly the amount of new features but… Read the full article
Category: cert manager
Beta 1 for Notes/Domino/Traveler 12 is available now!
HCL have just announced the release of beta 1 for v.12. https://blog.hcltechsw.com/domino/start-your-engines-hcl-domino-v12-beta-is-here-are-you-ready/ You can download for pretty much every supported platform today on Flexnet. It’s not like the early access program where it was just on Docker (though you can use Docker is you like). There’s so many cool new features to look at, particularly… Read the full article