
Our News/Articles/Opinions/Technotes from the world of IBM Collaboration

It’s Friday ! – Undocumented Notes Table Shortcut you will love

I’ve never seen this before and a colleague came across this brilliant shortcut by accident. Here’s how it works (in Notes 8 and 9 anyway): 1. Create a table in Notes (or use an existing table) 2. Hold the shift key and hover the mouse pointer over a row line (not the top one) 3.… Read the full article

New iNotes 9.0 Undocumented Security Feature.

In iNotes on a Domino 8.x server you can view encrypted mail over http, once you’ve uploaded your ID. In iNotes on a Domino 9.0 server you get this message: It’s an interesting that this is now forced, I haven’t seen it documented anywhere. Not that we’d recommend that anyone use HTTP for any production… Read the full article