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Domino Admin ID Expired? Here’s what you need to do…

What happens when your only Domino Admin type ID expires? Not a lot really because you won’t be able to do anything!

Oh no !!!

You will need to recertify your Admin ID with a new certificate and expiration date but you need an Admin ID for that right? Not if you follow this simple guide which should not take more than 15 mins**

** 15 mins is a rough estimate. Also, you should really know what you are doing and this quick guide assumes you are a seasoned Domino professional. Please don’t attempt this if you are a Domino noob.

  1. Shut down Domino
  2. Copy the Domino Directory to a PC with the Notes client installed (take a backup of the Domino Directory from the server as well just incase!)
  3. Open Notes client and make a “normal” user an admin in the Domino Directory
  4. Copy the Domino Directory back to the server and start Domino
  5. Switch to the “normal” user which is now an admin and recertify the admin ID
  6. Switch back to the newly certified admin ID and reverse the changes where you made Mr.Normal an admin
  7. Restart Domino

Jobs a goodun’


Steven Vaughan – Domino People

One thought on “Domino Admin ID Expired? Here’s what you need to do…

  • Keith Brooks says:

    From one long time admin to another, what you wrote is not entirely correct.
    You are presuming your own ID has admin rights, if so, then there is no issue, you just recert the expired generic admin id.
    If you are the id that expired, you can not add yourself into the documents, nor fix anything since by date, your ID expires and if you have proper controls set, you would be locked out from making changes.
    Presumably you put this user name in to localdomainadmins or whatever your admin group is.
    Your temporary admin is probably not an ID Vault owner.
    You may or may not have access to the admin process db or the certification log.

    At Engage I presented my session and included a simple way to resolve this, that allows you to still be the admin.

    See page 12 of my slides here

    Also, I, and you, presume there are no applications in usage on the claimed server, I presumed mine to be the admin server so no active applications, just replications.

    The truth is, in these circumstances, we need to be careful, but efficient in fixing the situation.

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