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Domino Server Console – Copy database command

Happy new year !

This is a great tip brought to my attention by one of our developers which allows you to make a new database copy, replica copy or database template on the same or different Domino server. Very useful for large databases if you don’t want to use the Notes client or don’t have physical access to the Domino Server.

Firstly, you need to set Cluster_admin_on=1 in the server’s NOTES.INI file. This takes place immediately and does not require your server be in a cluster nor does it require a server restart. Now you are ready to issue commands:

Basic commands

CL COPY <source database> <target database>

Example: CL COPY olddatabase.nsf newdatabase.nsf

This will create a new non-replia copy of the source database on the same server


CL COPY <source server>!!<source database> <target server>!!<target database>

Example: CL COPY Server1/Acme!!olddatabase.nsf Server2/Acme!!newdatabase.nsf

This will create a new non-replica copy of the source database on the a different server (Server2/Acme)

Other Options

Add REPLICA at the end of the command to create a full replica of the Source database

Example: CL COPY Server1/Acme!!olddatabase.nsf Server2/Acme!!newdatabase.nsf REPLICA


Add TEMPLATE at the end of the command to create a Design only template of the Source database

Example: CL COPY Server1/Acme!!olddatabase.nsf Server2/Acme!!newdatabase.nsf TEMPLATE

Example: CL COPY olddatabase.nsf newdatabase.nsf TEMPLATE

I think this is very useful and worthy of a reminder to all Lotus heads out there.

11 thoughts on “Domino Server Console – Copy database command

    • What error message you are receiving? I have 8.5.2 FP2 and is working. If the error message says: “The requested function is not supported by the software on this server”, be sure you have done the “Cluster_admin_on=1” in the configuration doc or Notes.ini

  • Hi,

    I’ve tried on cluster servers…I’ve done same entry on both server’s notes.ini file & then taken a restart. It worked…

    Thanks for this amazing command..& requesting you to upload more..

    Again Thanks..!!
    Deepak Sharma

  • I have been using the CL COPY for years on in program document on Windows for years. We have moved to Domion 8.5.2 on Linux, and I’m still trying to figure out the syntax.

    When I paste the command into Domino Console, the database is copied:
    CL copy fred.nsf /backups/fredback.nsf

    I created a program document for program name CL, with the command line copy fred.nsf /backups/fredback.nsf
    When the program doc runs, I get the error, ‘Unable to run program cl: Unable to locate program’


    • Hi Judy,

      When running a console command from a program document the syntax should be as follows:

      Program name:: nserver
      Command line: -c “your command here”

      So in your case (from your comment above) the command line syntax would be:

      -c “CL copy fred.nsf /backups/fredback.nsf”

      (don’t forget the Quotes!)

  • hey
    sir my question is i have many user in the lotus notes created by me, i want than only one user create a database on server other user cant create database on the workspace please tell me what should i do

    • Hi Rahul,

      I think I understand what you are asking – you can restict which users/servers are authorised to create databases on a server-by-server basis in each servers associated server document under the security tab.

      As for the workspace, if a user has authority to the database, opening the database will add an icon to the workspace or you can select the database in the Open Dialog and select Bookmark which will also add the icon to the workspace.

      Did I answer your questions ?


  • Hi Steve!

    Do you know if this command also is supposed to work using a text file?

    cl copy file.txt

    file.txt content:

    cl copy Server1!!\db1.nsf Server2\db1.nsf REPLICA
    cl copy Server1!!\db2.nsf Server2\db2.nsf REPLICA


  • Theses commands are not working on 12.0.1 . Comes back with error that”The requested function is not supported by the software on the server” . Tried it on a 9.0.1 FP11 server also, got same results. Any ideas on how to make it work?

    • Steven Vaughan says:

      Hi Bevan, did you add “Cluster_admin_on=1” to the server NOTES.INI file? (you can also perform this via a “set config Cluster_admin_on=1” using the server console – no restart is required).
      Once this has been set, you should be good to go.

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