
Our News/Articles/Opinions/Technotes from the world of IBM Collaboration goes live!

You might have missed the announcement from earlier in the week. HCL this week announced that effectively immediately is the primary resource for all current and future product downloads. It’s been titled My HCLSoftware (MHS) . I’ve written about this portal since it’s earliest beta and it really is a success story that so… Read the full article

A good reference for Semaphore timeouts

Recently while troubleshooting an issue on a customer site, I can across this Knowledge based article around what the HEX codes when Semaphore messages are thrown in the Domino console. It’s been updated recently and contains information you may need to troubleshoot semaphore issues with a Domino server. I like this type of transparency that… Read the full article

Engage 2023 – Amsterdam

I’m a week late coming back to write about Engage. What an event it was. Last year I found it easiest to break down the event into a series of series of points of interest from the event I’ll do the same this time out. So here it is 21 points of interest from Engage… Read the full article

Sometimes obvious and straightforward is good

While troubleshooting a (relatively complex) issue with a customer recently, I was involved in troubleshooting call with several “Subject Matter Experts”, and the problem came down to, what attributes are in Azure AD. AD Attributes don’t all synch by default. (even if ticked in AD Connect). We needed a PowerShell developer to check which attributes… Read the full article

DKIM signing comes natively to Domino

HCL continues to deliver on it’s beta program in 2021 by the release of 12.0.1 Beta 2 today. Again the vast majority of these betas are being delivered completely publicly, meaning anyone with a valid license has access on Flexnet. And can provide their feedback completely publicly. It means when the full release hits market… Read the full article

“Subjective Alternative Name” is missing from Certificate

Firstly, it would be remiss to not state the obvious here:- in Domino 12 there is a complete overhaul of how you initiate certs and cert requests within Domino. With the new CertMgr you can “magically” get a cert with LetsEncrypt. If you haven’t tried the beta of Domino 12 please do. It is magic.… Read the full article

Old versions of Domino and Notes client susceptible to a specific Denial Of Service attacks

This is a few days old but I missed it at the time and haven’t seen it elsewhere. HCL have published some security alerts around Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks. The first effects versions of Domino previous to previous to releases 9.0.1 FP10 IF6, 10.0.1 FP5 and 11.0.1. The second effects version of Domino previous… Read the full article

It’s HCL Digital Week – Next Week!!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll already have been notified that it’s HCL Digital Week from the 9th until the 13th of November. It probably seemed like it was ages away well no, it’s November and it’s next week!! Four things I’d draw your attention to: It’s free. There will be previews/announcements/roadmaps on… Read the full article

Everything has changed

Long time, no blog. It’s been a while since this blog has been active, and so much as happened since with HCL Notes Domino. Well, in the middle of 2019 the HCL take over of Notes/Domino from IBM was finally completed. (If you’re still catching up on new links with HCL, bookmark this page Rainer… Read the full article

Domino BES – testing handhelds are functioning

A quick and easy test to ascertain if one or more of your Blackberry Enterprise Server users is setup correctly server side or if their device is configured correctly is possible and here’s how…… From your normal Lotus Notes mail (I’m assuming you are using Notes mail !), send the user, users or group an… Read the full article