
Our News/Articles/Opinions/Technotes from the world of IBM Collaboration

How to keep up to date on the latest Knowledge Base articles from HCL

I discussed this with a customer last week, and thought others might want to know how to keep up to date on knowledge base articles from HCL. You can get notified on any HCL product :- when a new version released, a security issue announced, a defect found, or a new support article written. If… Read the full article

Another great free tool from Panagenda.

Bundled in HCL Notes Client 12.0.1 was new Document Properties functionality. This gives you the ability to view, search and sort, fields within a document, from within the Notes client (As well as delete profile documents). It’s really nifty addition. If you haven’t yet upgraded to HCL Notes/Domino 12 for whatever reason, and would like… Read the full article