
Our News/Articles/Opinions/Technotes from the world of IBM Collaboration

Sametime Meetings 11.5 is the Business!

There’s been so much chatter on Sametime Premium Meetings 11.5 since the full release last month and with good reason. I’ll keep this as simple as I can, as the user experience is just that, simple. It’s everything a user would expect from a Premium, Enterprise video meeting service. It’s clean, intuitive and modern and… Read the full article

Some notes on upgrading to Sametime 11.5

Couple of quick notes on upgrading to Sametime 11.5 Premium (from Sametime 11.0 FP2). For this article I’ll concentrate on the chat server, so Sametime Community server and Sametime proxy. This is based on a recent real-life install on Windows 2016 where all components sit on the same host. Firstly, it would be remiss not… Read the full article