
Our News/Articles/Opinions/Technotes from the world of HCL Digital Solutions

You don’t have to overwrite your Command when pasting into the Domino Console.

While having a look at the HCL Domino Portal ideas portal the other week

(plug – if you think these are things you’d like please vote for them)

Change defaults for new Domino servers (and server upgrades)

Adding a user to a group should give access to a database immediately (rather than requiring re-authentication))

I came across something I was going to vote for, namely

Paste (using CTRL+V) in the Server Console “Domino Command” input field should not remove existing content in that input field

Just as I was about to hit the vote button, I read the comments. Someone had helpfully put in

Wait! What?!

I didn’t know about that. Shift and Insert instead of Ctrl and V when pasting?! Why is this not more widely known? I mentioned it to a couple of colleagues who similarly thought it was a (minor) revelation. It’s not “my” tip but I though others might find it useful. Maybe many of you already knew about it.

Lessons learned:

·       There’s always something new to learn about Domino.

·        The aha portal is great, it’s reviewed (very regularly) by product managers and people who may have come across your problem and have a solution.

Cormac McCarthy – Domino People Ltd

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