
Our News/Articles/Opinions/Technotes from the world of IBM Collaboration

You don’t have to overwrite your Command when pasting into the Domino Console.

While having a look at the HCL Domino Portal ideas portal the other week (plug – if you think these are things you’d like please vote for them) –Change defaults for new Domino servers (and server upgrades) –Adding a user to a group should give access to a database immediately (rather than requiring re-authentication)) I… Read the full article

Domino 14.5 Early Access Program (EAP) is imminent!

HCL have announced a webinar for September 4th – Get Ready to Explore Exciting New Features Coming in Domino v14.5 From previous experience generally the code drop for the releases come within a day or two of this type of webinar so we can (likely) extrapolate from that the the first EAP1 code drop for… Read the full article

Silent HCL Notes 32 bit to 64 bit upgrade changes

HCL have recently published one of the “gotchas” around upgrading from 32 bit to 64 bit Notes. I came across this again and thought it worth sharing. When upgrading Notes 32 bit to 64 bit via command line/scripting/third party install tool (basically anywhere you’re running silently) the syntax for PROGDIR and DATADIR changes to PROGDIRW64 and… Read the full article goes live!

You might have missed the announcement from earlier in the week. HCL this week announced that effectively immediately is the primary resource for all current and future product downloads. It’s been titled My HCLSoftware (MHS) . I’ve written about this portal since it’s earliest beta and it really is a success story that so… Read the full article