
Our News/Articles/Opinions/Technotes from the world of IBM Collaboration

“Subjective Alternative Name” is missing from Certificate

Firstly, it would be remiss to not state the obvious here:- in Domino 12 there is a complete overhaul of how you initiate certs and cert requests within Domino. With the new CertMgr you can “magically” get a cert with LetsEncrypt. If you haven’t tried the beta of Domino 12 please do. It is magic.… Read the full article

Get a A+ security rating on your Sametime Meeting Server

This blog shows how to achieve an A+ security rating for your Sametime 11.5 Premium Meetings server on the excellent Qualsys SSL Labs test Firstly, please if you want an end user demo of Sametime Meetings then look here for more information. Again Ales Lichtenberg’s site is where you want to go for a guide… Read the full article