
Our News/Articles/Opinions/Technotes from the world of IBM Collaboration

“Subjective Alternative Name” is missing from Certificate

Firstly, it would be remiss to not state the obvious here:- in Domino 12 there is a complete overhaul of how you initiate certs and cert requests within Domino. With the new CertMgr you can “magically” get a cert with LetsEncrypt. If you haven’t tried the beta of Domino 12 please do. It is magic.… Read the full article

Can I use a pre-existing SSL certificate with Domino?

Here’s a common problem that comes up and the documentation on it is pretty non-existent (or more accurately the information is out there but not Domino specific so you really have to know what you’re doing to get it done). An organisation has purchased a SSL certificate, often a wildcard cert. Something like *  They… Read the full article

Quick tip: How do I get the root and intermediary certificates?

This is probably an obvious one but I know it confuses people.  If you need the root and intermediary certificates in the chain for your SSL certificate you do not need to contact the Certificate Authority to get them. (in fact they’ll have multiple root and intermediaries so the best way to get them is… Read the full article

Working with SHA-2 in Domino

Any production web site on Domino will have been flagged for months (if not years) on lack of support for SHA-2.  Since the poodle scares last year, a lot of third party certifiers made the decision to no longer support SHA-1 certs, just in time for Domino to begin supporting SHA-2 (phew). So by now… Read the full article

New iNotes 9.0 Undocumented Security Feature.

In iNotes on a Domino 8.x server you can view encrypted mail over http, once you’ve uploaded your ID. In iNotes on a Domino 9.0 server you get this message: It’s an interesting that this is now forced, I haven’t seen it documented anywhere. Not that we’d recommend that anyone use HTTP for any production… Read the full article

Domino Error – Unable to Bind port…..

Most Domino Admins will have seen this in a console from time to time.  It happens when a local OS application is using a port Domino wants to use.  So far, so simple.  But what’s the quickest way of finding out which application/service is using the port you want?  In windows it really is quite… Read the full article

SSL breaks after upgrading to Traveler 8.5.3 UP 1

On a production upgrade of Traveler to 8.5.3 U.P. 1 yesterday we came across a problem. The upgrade itself completed without issue but mobile clients couldn’t connect to the server automatically after the server was back up and running. We could see the following in the log :- “HTTP Server: SSL Error: Keyring file not… Read the full article