
Our News/Articles/Opinions/Technotes from the world of IBM Collaboration

Gmail and Yahoo changes for Bulk Senders from next week

In October both Gmail and Yahoo published information about restrictions they are bringing in from February 2024 for bulk senders (defined as sending 5000 messages to their addresses in one day). These are not really “new” per say, but are going to become more strictly enforced by next week. They come under three main headings… Read the full article

26 points of interest from Engage in Bruges

All I can say is “Wow” what a few days in Bruges. I’ve been trying to break my thoughts out into something coherent and really I can do is set out a set of bullet points. The event itself. It’s hard to overstate how well run an event Engage is. Theo and his wife Hilde,… Read the full article

Domino 12.0.1 Delivered by end of year as promised

HCL Domino 12 has been out since July and I’ve written multiple times on the new features, in particular the security features It’s the first Domino dot zero release we’ve ever advised multiple customers to upgrade to at time of release and there are many reasons for this mainly the amount of new features but… Read the full article

DKIM signing comes natively to Domino

HCL continues to deliver on it’s beta program in 2021 by the release of 12.0.1 Beta 2 today. Again the vast majority of these betas are being delivered completely publicly, meaning anyone with a valid license has access on Flexnet. And can provide their feedback completely publicly. It means when the full release hits market… Read the full article