
Our News/Articles/Opinions/Technotes from the world of IBM Collaboration

ID Sync for Nomad Biometrics Authentication, Traveler now supports MySQL and Notes on Big Sur.

HCL aren’t shy on rolling out big new features are they…. There’s been three significant releases in the last 24 hours. HCL Notes and Domino have both have 11.0.1 FP2 released and Traveler similarly has 11.0.2. These are not bog standard fix packs. If you’re running HCL Notes on Mac you’re going to want to… Read the full article

Traveler – Update on known device limitations

IBM have updated their documentation on known device limitations for Traveler.  Although issues/limitations are decreasing all the time,  if you deploy Traveler, this is a great reference to have and familiarise yourself with: Apple Android Windows  Nokia/Symbian Please let us know if you experience any issues or limitations that haven’t been documented! Cormac McCarthy –… Read the full article

SSL breaks after upgrading to Traveler 8.5.3 UP 1

On a production upgrade of Traveler to 8.5.3 U.P. 1 yesterday we came across a problem. The upgrade itself completed without issue but mobile clients couldn’t connect to the server automatically after the server was back up and running. We could see the following in the log :- “HTTP Server: SSL Error: Keyring file not… Read the full article

Traveler Interim Fix 1 released

Overview Lotus Traveler IF 1 is an Interim Fix release that contains APAR fixes for the Lotus Traveler server and clients. The information below outlines the changes included. Fix List See Lotus Traveler APAR Listing Feature List – new in IF 1 Install Multiple Lotus Traveler Instances on Linux OS Please ensure to read… Read the full article

Lotus Domino R8.5.3 Interim Fix for Traveler (Win 64bit)

If you are running Lotus Traveler on Domino 8.5.3 FP1 (Windows 64 bit), there’s a new interim fix available that may avoid serious issues (such as server crashes). Details are available at this IBM tech note – (please note to download the fix requires an IBM log in)

Lotus Traveler – Latest Device Updates (Feb 2012)

It’s worth noting this article published by IBM to make sure you’re on an appropriate release of Traveler for your users’ devices.  (and also for information on upcoming Traveler device support!) Steven Vaughan – Domino People Ltd

Lotus Traveler – Latest Device Updates

It’s worth noting this article  published by IBM to make sure you’re on an appropriate release of Traveler for your users’ devices.  (and also for information on upcoming Traveler support!) Cormac McCarthy – Domino People Ltd