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Domino Online Meeting Integration will be here in DAYS

So if you haven’t been watching NCUG (why not! Well done Hogne it’s been really good), Thomas Hampel announced that a new feature DOMI will be available within days on GitHub for free.

It’s a small update to a mail template, and allows your Notes calendar to integrate with Teams, Zoom, GoTo Meeting and Sametime seamlessly.

So when creating a new meeting, within Notes, you can create Teams, Zoom, GoTo Meeting, Webex and Sametime meetings directly within your Notes client.

The URLs/passwords etc get inputted automatically when you hit the “Schedule Online Meeting” of your choice, and an OAuth dance is done in the background securely. No other client can do this out of box. A big seller for Outlook Deployments is it’s integration with Teams, you can now do exactly the same with Notes (including 2FA) as well as for four other Meeting platforms.

Some ambassadors have been aware of this, and been testing including myself (we were covered under NDA until this annoucement), and I have to say it works exceptionally well and is easy to deploy.

This is such a welcome development, both in the product itself and the fact that it was turned around and shipped so quickly. Well done to the team developing this.

I look forward to be able to tell people to download this when it is available!

Cormac McCarthy

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